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Plant-Based Recipe Inspiration

The Best Homemade Hommus

April 30, 2024 1 min read

What's better than our Original Nut, Seed & Grain Loaf? ​​​​​​​​​​When homemade HOMMUS is added! We love making a batch of hommus at the start of the week and dipping our Bites in them or using it as a topping on our Original Loaves.​​​​​​ This recipe is the the easiest & most delicious hommus you will ever taste! Packed with flavour and protein this will satisfy any snack craving. It's as simple as putting everything in a blender. Gluten-free, vegan & sugar free! Yum.

Chocolate Nicetella Pancakes

November 02, 2023 1 min read

vegan chocolate pancakes

Our go to pancake recipe, delicious and also fail proof for fluffy vegan clouds of deliciousness! These are so simple and whipped up in no time with ingredients that are possibly in your cupboard already. The trick here is to make sure you let the batter rest for 10 minutes to maximise the aeration/fluffiness...thank us later!

Fibre-Packed Minestrone Soup

October 27, 2023 1 min read

We are definitely a soup all-year-round kinda family but there is one soup that is on repeat in our household...our fibre-packed minestrone. We love this one because you can use pretty much any vegetables you have in the fridge (great way of using those old ones) and chances are you already have most of the other ingredients in your cupboard already. It's super simple, plus it's packed with fibre from the beans, vegetables & wholewheat pasta to keep you full & satisfied.

The Creamiest Vegan Porridge

October 20, 2023 1 min read

creamiest easiest porridge recipe

Breakfast is such an important meal for us. We’ve tried for years to perfect the best vegan porridge recipe & finally we've made it! This recipe might look basic (doesn't taste basic) and can be jazzed up with stewed fruit, nicetellapeanut butter or some fresh berries. It's perfectly creamy, so delicious, super easy & packed with fibre, it's sure to keep you full and satisfied until lunch.

Mexican Ratatouille

October 14, 2023 2 min read

Overhead shot of a dish of Mexican Ratatouille with ingredients spread on the table

Mmmmm... dinner is served! The team at Stone Age Staples absolutely loooooves Mexican food and this one is a winner. Loaded with more than 10 different plants, this is the perfect option for those looking to up their weekly plant diversity. Plus, this it contains absolutely zero ultra-processed ingredients and is loaded with fibre, so your tummy will be sure to thank you! Enjoy. 

Nicetella Granola Muffins

September 18, 2022 1 min read

Close up of lady holding muffin and breaking in half to show inside

Who doesn't like a good muffin! What's even better is when that muffin is delicious, healthy and suuuupppeer simple to make! Sounds like a perfect SAS approved snack to me! We love having these during the week as a go to snack! Great with a cup of tea, on the go car snack or even 'don't have time' breakfast 🙈


May 15, 2022 2 min read

I’m not the biggest coffee fan BUT I am a huge fan of this vegan tiramisu...go figure, the girl who doesn’t like coffee likes the coffee dessert!

We love this recipe because it’s not too sweet and has just the right balance of creaminess and coffee. We didn’t add the coffee


May 15, 2022 1 min read


An absolute classic Italian number plus it's super simple and quick. All the vegetables can be substituted for whatever you have in your fridge. We make it in double batches and freeze it for the times we are short of time or in a rush. Substitute white pasta with wholemeal pasta is a great way of increasing fibre and will keep you fuller for longer.


May 01, 2022 1 min read


We've made some switches in our house recently and the latest has been saying goodbye to nuttelex and hello to making our own vegan butter. The best part is it takes less than 5 minutes to prepare and doesn't use any nasty additives or colourings. It melts just like butter when using it on toast...winning!


May 01, 2022 1 min read


This is the perfect warming dessert for those cold afternoons & nights. You'll find us curled up on the couch indulging in some bread and butter pudding during Winter with a cup of hot tea. We love this because it's not too sweet and has juicy pops of warming goodness from the sultanas, which you substitute for raisins. Some vanilla vegan ice cream is an essential topping!


May 01, 2022 1 min read


Someone once told us,  you cannot make vegan cheese 'cheesy'...please refer to photos! It's creamy, soft, warm inside and crispy brown crunchy outside will win anyone over. This is the ultimate side dish, in fact it might even outshine the main dish it's so amazing. 


April 24, 2022 2 min read

Vegan vegetable quiche
We absolutely adore this recipe for its simplicity and deliciousness factor! It honestly tastes better than the traditional egg quiche. If you are short of time then you can use frozen short crust pastry. 

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